What Makes A Good Apartment Neighbor In Bloomington?
Keep Shared Amenities, Shared
Community amenities are a great perk of tenant life as long as occupants remember they are intended for everyone. To act as a good community member, leave enough space or time for others to enjoy them. Don’t monopolize weights and equipment in the health center or the hot tub. Use just one barbecue and picnic table at a time. Your kids should also be reminded to give others a chance to use the swimming pool or playground.
Using laundry facilities in a respectful manner is a significant consideration if you want to be a good apartment neighbor in Bloomington. Be aware of the time needed for each cycle and move your items when they are finished to maintain a good rapport with neighbors. You may need to look for an apartment that has a washer and dryer or hookups if you would rather not share.
Don’t Break The Rules
Your Bloomington apartment complex has guidelines to make life there pleasant for everyone, and it can be exasperating when some people disregard those rules. Good Bloomington apartment neighbors follow those rules. They abide by speed limits and park in designated areas. They maintain a clean outdoor area. They adhere to regulations for using cooking areas, fitness machines, and the pool. Demonstrating a simple regard for others makes certain you and everyone around you have an enjoyable time in your community.
Avoid The Noise
As tenants in an apartment complex, most people expect to hear some noise from next-door neighbors. However, there’s quite a contrast between an occasional door closing and a booming stereo. Loud sounds affect the daily life of your neighbors. You need to consider that a fellow resident might be studying next door or getting some rest after working a late shift.
Constant commotions at night are even more frustrating. The general rule says to avoid louder movements by 9 PM. You should always be thoughtful of other Residents if you host parties. Advise them with a quick chat or note if you are throwing a party that could potentially cause some racket, then ensure the volume is low on your stereo and urge your friends to remain mindful of others. Your neighbors and their eardrums will be thankful.

Make Sure Your Pet Is A Good Bloomington Apartment Neighbor Too
A majority of folks enjoy being around animals, although even the most ardent pet fanatic won’t want to live next to a disruptive animal. A generally accepted rule of conduct says scoop up whatever’s left by your furry friend, ensure it stays mostly quiet, and put it on a leash for walks in communal grounds. If your complex has pet restrictions, make sure you know what they are. This way, your neighbors will have fun socializing with you and your well-behaved animal.
Be The Newest Neighbor At City Flats on Tenth
Now’s the time to join the community at City Flats on Tenth Our tenants benefit from elegant apartments and appealing features that upgrade your lifestyle in Bloomington. If you’re interested in being a member of our community, speak with a friendly member of our leasing staff by dialing 812-561-1974 or schedule a tour.