Are Studio Apartments The Same As Efficiency Apartments In Bloomington?

When you look for a smaller rental unit, you may see the words “studio apartment” and “efficiency apartment.” At first, these labels may seem interchangeable, but they’re actually different types of apartments. Even though both have less square footage and economical, studio and efficiency apartments in Bloomington have a couple key differences. When you understand these differences, you should be able to decide which type of apartment to choose as your new place.
What Is A Studio Apartment In Bloomington?
You’ll find some variety among studio apartments. A number of studio apartments have a loft for sleeping that gives you some privacy, and some apartments utilize an L-shaped layout to make a separate sleeping alcove. You may come across different studio apartment kitchen styles too. Regardless of their limited space, studio apartments can have full kitchen areas, and frequently a kitchen bar and cabinets can function as a natural separator between your living and cooking spaces. And some studio apartments include a bath large enough for both a tub and shower, while others just include a shower.
What Is An Efficiency Apartment In Bloomington?
Efficiency apartments resemble studio apartments, but they’re meant to save even more space. They have the smallest apartment designs–like 300 square feet total. Everything with the exception of the bathroom is is enclosed within a single open room. In lieu of a full-size kitchen, you will find a reduced kitchen area with some appliances and a small strip of counter space on one wall. In the most compact efficiency apartments, the appliances may not be full size. You’re likely to discover a condensed bathroom too, without a bathtub or large sink.
Will You Choose A Studio Or Efficiency Apartment?
If you’re looking for a small apartment to come home to each night and with the ability to invite over a couple friends, a studio apartment provides an adequate amount of living area. If having conveniences like a full-sized oven or stovetop is important to you, then you should pick a studio apartment. A studio apartment generally works better for people with pets too.
If you’re away on business a bunch or don’t plan to be home much and only need a home base, you can avoid the higher rent of a larger space by living in an efficiency apartment. You can also counteract the cost of living within your city’s center or other popular location by choosing an efficiency apartment in whatever neighborhood you want. Even though your small apartment might lack amenities, you’re still able to take advantage of the amazing amenities found throughout the community.
On A Search For Your New Apartment? City Flats on Tenth Is The Answer
No matter what you require in your next apartment, City Flats on Tenth is here to help you find your new home. We offer a lot of layouts and popular conveniences that our Bloomington Residents enjoy. To find out more, contact us at 812-561-1974 or arrange a tour. Our courteous staff is pleased to assist!